1. 4 examples of changes :
-the line between work and private life is less visible because thanks to new technologies, people can work whenever and wherever they want.
- More and more people work for themselves
- People want their job to be fulfilling
- New workers are not attached to their company anymore and change of work several times in their life.
a. Which refers to "the line between work and life is less visible"
b. their refers to "the generation X's (skills)
c. them refers to "the Millenials"
d. them refers to "the new workers"
e. their refers to "their best workers' (need)"
f. one refers to "a job"
1c - 2g - 3a - 4f - 5b - 6d
4. True or false
a. True (l4) "the way we produce and collaborate remodeled"
b. false (l6) "digitalization made it possible"
c. True (l12) "we are neglecting our personal comfort"
d. True (l16) : "not hiring other workers"
e. True (l23) : "new workers won't stick with their job"
f. False (l29) : "fulfilling, not in the sense of the paycheck"