1. What type of document is it?
It's a poem.
2. What is the tone ?
it is aggressive/critical
3. What issue does it raise?
it raises the issue of the distrust towards refugees (people who flee to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution)
4. Highlight all the derogatory words (=péjoratifs) used to talk about refugees.
haggard- scroungers - chancers- lay abouts - loungers - cut throats - thieves - bombs up their sleeves (= terrorists) -
4. What solutions are evoked ?
We should make them go back. Let us build a wall.
5. What reasons are exposed ?
They are not like us.
A place should only belong to those who are born there.
6. Now read the poem from bottom to top, what do you notice ?
The tone is reversed. The message is tolerant, positive, welcoming towards refugees.